FAQ: Recurring Donations

← Set up a recurring donation

How can I specify which program my recurring donation is applied to?
The first dropdown box on the recurring donation page will let you choose which program your donation gets applied to. If you do not choose anything, it will be applied to the BDPA General Fund and used as needed across all programs.
Can I give to multiple programs?
Each recurring donation can only be applied to one program. If you would like to give to multiple programs, you can set up a second (or third!) recurring donation. For example, you could have one recurring donation for $10/month to the A Corps and another recurring donation for $20/month to the B Corps. Each month, your card would be charged $30.
How can I change the amount I give each month or the duration of my recurring donation?
To change the amount or duration, you would need to discontinue your existing recurring donation and set up a new one.

To discontinue your donations, visit your account page and click on the Donations tab. At the bottom of that screen you will see all your recurring donations. Click the Edit button next to the donation to discontinue it.
How do I update the credit card I would like to use for a recurring donation?
To update the credit card you are using, visit your account page and click on the Donations tab. At the bottom of that screen you will see all your recurring donations. Click the Edit button next to the donation to update credit card details.
What happens if my card expires or is declined after I start my donations?
If there is an issue with your card, such as being declined for any reason, we will contact you directly to sort it out. Also, you are always welcome to contact us at [email protected]
When does my recurring donation get charged to my card?
Your card will be charged once a month, on the day you started your recurring donation. For example, if you started on September 2, the next payment would occur on October 2, then again on November 2. If you start on the 31st of a month, the next payment date is adjusted to be the last day of the month, even if the following month does not have 31 days.

NOTE: The very first payment may take up to 48 hours to appear on your statement. For example, if you start on September 2, your first payment would actually occur on September 3 or 4, then October 2, then again on November 2, etc.
Are you storing my credit card information? Is that safe?
Bottom line: your card information is safe. BDPA does not store your credit card information (other than its brand name, such as "Visa" or "Mastercard"). When you set up your recurring donation, your encrypted credit card info is transmitted via SSL to authorize.net for processing and storage to facilitate automatic charging each month. Authorize.net is a PCI compliant credit card processing company. You can learn more about authorize.net and PCI compliance at their website.
Who do I contact with questions or problems?
If you have any questions or problems with recurring donations, please email [email protected]

Set up a recurring donation

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