Blue Devils Alumni Association

The Blue Devils Alumni Association is the major support organization of BD Performing Arts. BDAA members lead by example throughout their adult lives by serving as Ambassadors for the importance of music education and performance experience to others. Their individual contributions to BDPA further this vision and mission while their social and support events provide the catalyst for lifelong friendships with alumni colleagues.

The BDAA is the primary fundraising and networking group associated with BD Performing Arts, actively engaging alumni to become donors, volunteers, and mentors to current and future young performers. It works to set an example for the current generation of performers to follow as individual donors, volunteers, and leaders to ensure a long and secure future for BDPA.

Alumni Association Leadership Team


Contact the Alumni Association at

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Join our Facebook group for updates and to reconnect.
(All request to join the group will be verified against the BDPA database. You must update your information prior to joining.)

Alumni Merchandise

Sign into your BDPA account to order Alumni Association merchandise.

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