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BD Performing Arts recognizes and sincerely thanks the generous people and organizations whose support makes it possible to achieve our mission.

The list below recognizes those who have made gifts during the 12 months ending February 9, 2025.

Designer’s Circle – Diamond Tier


Suzuki Family Giving Fund of J.P. Morgan
David & Semele Heller
The Heller Family Charitable Fund
Linder Equipment Co The Linder Family

Designer’s Circle – Gold Tier

$10,000 – $14,999

Rodgers Family Charitible Fund of Vanguard Charitable
Kit and Courtney Rodgers

Designer’s Circle – Silver Tier

$5,000 – $9,999

Christopher Anderson
Apple, Inc.
Ruth Braden Torrance & Brendan Torrance
Ruth Braden Torrance
Greg Gilman
Doug Peterson
Aaron Suzuki
Tracy Verrett

Director’s Circle

$2,500 – $4,999

Yesenia Ferreras
Marathon Petroleum Foundation
Malcolm McCoy
Cary Reed
Kurt Sieve
Patty Tanji (Furzer)
Tom VandeWater
Rick Yee

Patron Society

$1,000 – $2,499

Duane Evans, DDS
Jason Foster
Nanette Harper
David Jessen
Brian Kato
Thomas and Marsha Krum
Alexander Lee
Debra McArthur
Nathaniel Moore
Darrek Mullins
Paypal Giving Fund
Andrew Rogers
Michael Stevenson

Fanfare – Gold Tier

$500 – $999

Lisa Berkey South
Jose Castellon
Jeff Chaplin
Jonathan Chapman
Stephanie Click
Shannon Crowe
Margot Denger
Marti Harlow-Aiello
Kathryn L. Dydo & Amy K. Forbush Gift Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Kieran and Melissa Gifford
Kieran & Melissa Gifford Gift Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Ramona McCoy
Emily & Brian Melton Fund
Phillip Michanowicz
Yvonne Moss
Mike Novo
Debbie Oborn
Pampered Chef
Panda Express
Brian Nunez
John Pipitone, Sr.
Carol Reppucci
Annyher Reyes Ayala
Jon Sandford
Teresa Saunders (Jones)
Jessica Schloemer
Laurie Somers
T. Rowe Price
Kevin Torres
Sarah Weimer
Matt Wilkens
Stephanie Wolff
Dr. Gayle Yraceburu


$250 – $499

Michael Alleman
Morris Asato
Kathy Bacon
David Bronsen
Ron Cefalo
Kathy Criste-Koo
Robert Dols
Linda Drontle
Mingwei Li Family Giving Fidelity Charitable
Michelle Garcia
Chris Gonzales
Thomas Krum
Jonathan Logan
Joshua Logan, Jr
Jack Madderra (Madderra)
Brayden Heller-Robbins/BD Winds
Dan Matejczyk
Mason Meeks
Alice Miller
Dayton Nakahara
Charles Pisarra
Mike Reppucci
Tracie Root (Branch)
Matthew Sieve
The Kathy Criste Koo Fund at Schwab Charitable
The USAA Foundation, Inc.
Larry Visnic
Adrian Walleigh
Diane Williams

$100 – $249

JoEllen Abate McEntire
Michael Caffey
Cars 2nd Chance, Inc.
Sonja Williams
Greg Case
Anthony Cheng
Kenneth Claxton
Jeffrey Crawford
Kevin Davis
Ballet Folklórico de México
Laurie DeKruiff
Jerry Delgado
Heather Dinklage
Dolby Laboratories, Inc
Mark Dombroski
Shirley Dorritie (Stratton)
Wayne Downey
Chris & Bill Drotning
Susan Ducore
Diane Ebert
William Emmons
Daniel Fallon
Michael Feher
Jeff Forcella
Eric Fox
John Furtado
Robin Gambetty
Michael Gilbert
Lisa Glaeser
Rosa Lee Harden
John Herbison
Todd Hobert
Donald Hudock
Marion Jacobs (Grover)
Keith Kadel
Andy Knapp
Kent Kuusinen
David Lawson
Lawson Charitable Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Victor Lee
Keith Lee
Fred Lenway
Ard Leopando
Jason Lewis
Jeffrey Luna-Sparks
Joe Martinez
John Meehan
Anthony & Mary Michanowicz
Diane Miller
Tony Nelson
Sylvia Philis
Kelly Ross (Wanner)
Mike Rubino
See's Candy Shops, Inc.
Susan Seeley
Claire Simpson
Jana Simpson
Karen Skinner
Zoevonda Sutton
Merrill Swiney
Gerda Thompson
Peter Tsukamoto
Cassandra Van de Graaf
Cassie Van de Graaf (Smith)
Jim Verrett
Nancy Wagoner
Stuart Whitman
Esther Yee
Harry Zahlis
Carl Zepecki

Up to $100

Sebastian Agredano
Isabella Aguilar
Hector Aguirre, Jr
Jim Alberty
Ryan Allen
michel amoris
Catherine Anders (Anders)
Alexis Andrade, Sr. (Andrade)
Greg & Robin Andrews
Rudy Arevalos
Iori Asato
a asd
asd asd
José Ayuso Rivera
Joanne Barnes (Long)
Harald Bartelds
Daphnee Beatty
Lisa Bell
Heidi Bell
Jing Bian (Mother)
Erik Boeryd
Carol Boeryd
Darryl Bowen
Lainey Braatz
Vickie Braga (Olson)
Heather Brdak
Paula Brekken
Brenda Brown
Rob and Deedy Brown
Katie Brunner
Jack Bruyere
Ronald Budzitowski
David Bui
Angelito Bumanlag
Casey Burke
Rhea Cahayag
Lisa Calvert
Stephanie Carbonell
Lorenzo Carlos
Enrique Carreon
Jayden Caruthers
Larry Case
Sasha Cavallaro
Michael Chang
Gloria Chao
Wells Chen
Athena Cheung
Hangjin Cho
Helen Chou (Mother)
Bonnie Chow
Edwin Cisneros
Cat Clark
Cathlyn Clark
Ed Cloyd
Kristi & Tony Collins
Erica Compton
Orpha Congdon
Asa Considine
Dorothy Cook
Marti Cope (Hine)
Clark Cothran
Anne Cunningham (Cunningham)
Janee Dahl
Charlize Dao
Mason Darden
Kendrick Davis (Davis)
Corey Dehakiz
Erin Delacroix
Jeff DeMello
Jean Dinham
BDPA Donations
TJ Doucette
Mark Dubel
Lisa Dumain (Chrzanowski)
Kris Eastmead
Wendy Eklof
Kelly Elder (Kirkpatrick)
Jason Elks
Marian Emmons
Marsha Emmons
Scott Eriksen
Antonio Escobedo
Sidney Eun
Diane Fashing
Calvin Fell
Susan Ferreira
Lilith Fieber
Crystal Fieber
John Flores
Eva Frank
Pierce Franklin
Barron Fujimoto
Jordan Galloway
Andrew Gao
Frederick Garcia
Erron Garrett
Amanda Gibson
Carlo Giovannoni
Caroline Gomes
Jennings Gonzalez
Katelyn Gordon
Angela Green
Alex Gregory
Alexsis Guzman
Elina Haley
Ian Hall
Riley Haus
Kase He
Cheri Head (Skultety)
Tyler Henderson
Rosalba Hernandez
Roberto Herrera
Aldwin Hipolito
Takuma Hirai
Leigha Hodo
Nina Hokeness (Hokeness)
Jaime Holly
Aura Jean Huebner
Mary Huebner
Dustin Iofciulescu
John Scott Jackson, II
Dinah Jarata (Pascua)
Emerson Jarmer
Tiffany Jenkins
Daniel Johnson
Louise Jones
Brittany Jones
Owen Jordan-Sparks
Kaiser Permanente
Lucky Kalanges
Gayle Katz (Selinsky)
Chris Kay
Casandra Kelly
Matt Kettelhut
Joseph Khalifa
Angelo Kris
Annette Kuusinen (Hamilton)
Diane Lai
Jade Larsen
Tara Larsen
Mateen Latifi
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
Micah Lee
Timothy Leonelli
Richard Lesher
Ethan Levinson
Kristen Lichtenthal
Ricky Liedtke
Ellie Lin
Kate Linton
Sal Listek
John Lopez
Lexi Luchko
Stephen Luk
Maryanne Lynn
Jeff Lynn
Matthew Ma
Frida Macias
Jennifer Maegly (Partridge)
Faith Malave
John Malito
Michael Manno
Sophie Mansouri
Mehrdad Mansouri
Max Marr
Jeff Martin
Trina Martin (Tait)
Emi Mason (Mother)
Rebacca McClure
Nanci McFarland (Forrest)
Michaela McKnight
Alexia and Lawrence McKnight
Rob McMillan
Jeff McNurlan
Edie Meehan
Adonai Mejia
Ethan Mejia
Wendy Menara
Dina Mencarini
Michael Meng
Jason Meyer
Sheryl Miles
Steve Milina
Kimberly Miller
Ann Miller
Lane Mims
Earle Moeller
Mike Montes
Henry Morales
Eddie Morales
Seth Morris
Pedro Murrieta
Garrett Nelson
George Nelson
Tabatha Nickens
Seri Ochi
Will Oehlert
Sandra Oneill
Christian P Chipcats
Bob Pantaliano
Daniel Parenti
Kaiden Parsaie
Stephen Pedron
Phen Pedron
Ruhan Periyacheri
Roberto Plamenco
Brian Pollard
Tyler Powers
Janelle Preston (Alvarado)
Adrian Puente
Marcos Quesada, Jr
Jennifer Rabourn (Rinas)
Grayson Ray
Bradley Ray
James Reeves
Perry Reid
Sue Richardson
Jose Rincon
Bret Rios
Raymond Rizzuto
Jaime Roberts
Bryce Robertson
Angel Rojas-Martinez
Cael Ross
Gino Russi, GR (Russi)
Tue Rust
owen sallee
Flora Sanders
Chris and Sally Schroeder
Michael Scott
Alfred Segovia, Jr
Patrick Seidling
Brooke Sieve
Aden Sigall
Christian Smacher
Ronald Small
Soohyun Son
Mary Southern
Lee Sowers (Doebler)
Grayson Spears
Henry Stagemeyer
William Stoll
Michael Stone
Chris Stratton
Suzanne Stroman
Agnes Tamashiro
Joe Tetzlaff
Chase Thomas
Christopher Tice
Maria Topper
Peter Tran
David Tran
Stephen Truong
Zenichi Tsurumoto
David Tuttle
Michelle Vasquez
Romy Vassard
Jay Vreeland
Bryson Washington
Kairi Watanabe
Madelyn Williams
Krista Wise-Wroblewski
Lesley Withers-Lammers (Mother)
Sebastian Wolski
Zach Worley
John "Jack" Wurth
Payton Yaffe
Taiga Yamaguchi
Alexander Yamashita
Douglas Yamashita
Hsiuling Yeh
Kevin Yu
Raymond Zheng

Tribute Gifts

In honor of Alexander Yamashita.
  • Douglas Yamashita
In honor of Alexander Yamashita
  • Douglas Yamashita
In honor of Chris Anderson
  • David Jessen
In honor of Eric Drotning
  • Chris & Bill Drotning
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